Blog #1

If you live in Middle TN chances are you heard about the tragic event following the Mt Juliet Christmas on Saturday that took the life of 7 year old Rowan Ace Frensley. I was sitting on the couch with my children watching a Christmas movie when I got the text that he passed away. I didn’t know Rowan and I don’t know his family; I didn’t even know there was an accident following the parade that my family attended earlier that day, but the moment I heard about his untimely passing, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

As a parent, I can’t fathom the pain and agony his parents are going through. As a brother, I can’t come to grips with the torment of losing a sibling; one so young with so much life left to live. All of this is unimaginable. It’s like a nightmare you never wake up from and unfortunately, it’s reality for the Frensley family. This is suppose to be Christmas time . A time for joy and cheer, but right now it’s a time of sorrow and grief for so many. I’ve prayed for their family more than I can count over the last few days. I’ve prayed for their extended family, their friends and Rowan’s friends that are grieving. I’ve prayed for the kids and first responders that were on the scene during the accident. As I dropped my kids off at school today, I started to think of Rowan’s classmates and teacher and wondered how they were going to cope with that empty desk in the classroom today. I immediately started tearing up and pulled over so I could pray for them as well. Just imaging that scene makes me mess as I type this.

In my 25 years of living in this city, I can’t think of another incident that has impacted me this way and I am sure many of you feel the same. This young, precious life has brought this town together and I’m amazed by the support this community has shown the Frensley family. I fully believe God has a plan in times like these and we don’t know what His plan is or why this happened, but I do know this – Rowan has made a positive, lasting impact on this city and I know he’s definitely made an impact on me.

I’ll finish with this. Please keep the kindness, the compassion, and the active caring alive. Keep praying for peace and comfort for the Frensley‘s and everyone Rowan touched during his short time here on earth. Keep praying for our community. Keep showering each other love and support. Do it all in Rowan’s memory. We owe it to him.

RIP little buddy.
